Tutopiya is a live online tutoring platform that provides highly vetted and qualified tutors for individual lessons to students aged 8-18.
Yes, we teach students from many different countries around the world.
Tutopiya provides a free trial individual 60 minutes lesson for every new student. Please signup on to our platform, and complete your profile including the trial lesson details.
Based on your requirements, we will provide the best Tutor for your child and confirm the trial lesson for your requested date and time.
We will email you a class link to your registered email address once you sign up.
You could use the Tutopiya App or the Tutopiya web platform to join the virtual classroom and enjoy your learning experience.
We recommend that you only use either Google Chrome or Safari as your browser to access our classroom.
User guides and videos to help you get started can also be found here
Yes, please sign up on our platform, for a free trial individual 60 minutes lesson and complete your profile including the trial lesson details. We will provide you a choice of tutors for who match your requirements.
We carry out regular assessments and prepare customized lesson plans focusing on each student’s requirement. This is optional and you may request for this service when you request for a trial lesson.
Yes, our tutors are comprehensively trained and specialized to teach specific curriculums. We will only provide tutors who are experienced and knowledgeable of your child’s chosen curriculums.
Yes our tutors are available on weekdays and weekends 9am to 10pm. Our platform is accessible 24/7 for signing up, requesting trial lessons, watching replays of your lessons and booking tutors.
Yes, you may continue with the same Tutor. Alternatively, if you require a Tutor change this can also be accommodated.
Your child can learn at their convenience at home or at any location of their choice. Tutopiya will save time and money spent on traveling to tutors and tuition centers.
You could use the user guides for the Tutopiya App or the Tutopiya web platform for more information.
Yes. Regular feedback on your child’s progress is provided by the tutor after every lesson.
Yes, we would be able to provide a tutor to cover your lesson. There will also be a handover from the previous tutor so that the tutor taking over would be updated on your needs and lesson plans.
You would not need to travel. Your child learns at their convenience at home or at any location of their choice. Tutopiya will save your child and you much time and money spent travelling to tutors and tuition centers.
Lesson rates depend on your grade, curriculum and country of residence. Please email info@tutopiya.com WhatsApp +65 89496974 or contact us on +6560160923 for further information
We offer flexible packages based on your requirement. You may decide on the number of subjects / lesson duration and the frequency of lessons.
Our rates are generally at least 20% lower than standard home tuition rates.
Once you have completed a trial lesson, and wish to continue with us you are required to make a payment.
Once you make a payment, credits will be added to your account for the hours purchased, and you may book the lessons at your convenience.
If a lesson is unable to be conducted due to technical difficulties resulting from either end, our technical support team will assist you to resolve and/or reschedule the lesson if it cannot be resolved immediately.
If you require any support, please reach out to our support team who is available to assist you from Monday to Sunday from 10am to 10pm.
Regrettably, we are unable to offer a refund for technical issues outside of our control.
We have a fully dedicated technical support team to help you deal with any technical issues. Please email support@tutopiya.com / WhatsApp us on +65 89496974